Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Want to be a Paid Speaker?

Many new speakers are eager to hit the ground running getting paid to speak. Ah... if only it would be that easy! Before you start charging a fee for speaking, there are five things that need to happen.
Authors Dottie Walters and Lilly Walters write in their book Speak and Grow Rich...
You should start charging for your speeches when you have:
  • Become an expert.
  • Developed a passion for your subject and your career of professional speaking, so that you never stop learning and improving every day.
  • Given at least 50 to 100 no-fee speeches.
  • Learned to be a good, reliable, exciting, informative professional presenter who can handle any emergency.
  • Had members of your no-fee audience come up to talk to you after the speech and say, “What would you charge to speak at our meeting?”

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