Friday, May 27, 2011

Are You Ready to Make the BIG Change?

Do you know the feeling of excitement when you make the decision to take on something new in your business? It could be you’ve made the decision to finally do that workshop, or design a new product or program, or write a book. You feel exhilarated because you’re finally fulfilling your life purpose. You’re about to take a quantum leap in your business! You’ve now created a bigger game to play in your business.

As you begin to make changes, you may notice different emotions are beginning to surface. That excitement you’re feeling has changed to fear and you’re beginning to feel very uncomfortable.

You see, the second you leave your comfort zone, it’s likely you may experience discomfort and resistance. Since all positive changes take place outside the comfort zone, change can be painful. The very moment most people feel the pain, they pull back inside the comfort zone. This is the reason why many people fail to improve themselves or create lasting changes in their lives: They are unwilling to put up with the pain of change.

Here are some things to notice about change:
  • Some people embrace change and some people resist it.

  • Change makes some people feel uncomfortable…so uncomfortable that they may even become ill.

  • When thinking about change, the mind automatically thinks what it has to give up to make the change.

  • Making changes may bring up fear of losing security and fear of failure.

  • People will come up with excuses, reasons and circumstances as to why they cannot change.

  • If they feel the pressure, they’ll withdraw and retreat to the way it was before.

And as people about to make the BIG change in their businesses and income, and take on doing something they’ve never done before, many people hit the “Panic Wall.” The Panic Wall is the place a lot of people hit when they’ve taken on a bigger game in their businesses. We call it the “breakdown” before the “breakthrough.” Suddenly you’re flooded with self doubts, the fear of failing, and lots of reasons not to take action.

All of these things happening are not unusual. You’ve made a decision to take a BIG leap in your business and all your fears have surfaced. There’s now a gap between where you are and where you want to be. The structure you had in place no longer supports you in what you’re up to next. Whenever we stretch ourselves and step outside our comfort zone, the “ego” will fight like crazy to keep us playing small, fearing annihilation. The ego is the part of us that wants to protect us from repeating past disappointments; therefore, keeping us from moving forward.

The Panic Wall is when the old paradigm mixes with new beliefs. Part of you really, really wants to make the quantum leap, but the other part of you known as ego is afraid of letting go of what it already knows. This is where successful people feel the discomfort and stay the course while others pull back and retreat.

At this point, many of your limiting thoughts, beliefs, and fears are screaming louder in your head than ever before. Thoughts like:

  • I’m just not ready to do this yet.
  • I don’t have what it takes.
  • I’ll never be successful.
  • I’m not smart enough.
  • This isn’t going to work.
  • There’s too much to do.

These limiting thoughts are not the truth. It’s your ego trying with all it’s might to keep you small. In the short term, you may feel better; however, if you let the ego win, you’ll never experience what’s possible once you get to the other side.

The only way to go from your “breakdown” to your “breakthrough” is to stay in action. Experiencing a breakthrough in your business means stretching yourself beyond your comfort zone.

When I speak about “stretching beyond your comfort zone,” your comfort zone could be the fear of losing your security or losing love. To break through to the other side and make your quantum leap, you have to be willing to be with the discomfort for a brief period of time. It takes being:

  • Courageous
  • Believing
  • Committed
  • Persevering
  • Staying in action
  • Being in communication with others (During this time it’s important to reach out to people you trust such as a mentor, coach, and mastermind group.)

The Panic Wall is strongest the first time you experience it because you’ve never been to this place before. The place you’re in during this time is very uncomfortable and the discomfort can be so intense that many people will give up and retreat to what’s familiar. But if you’re willing to be with the discomfort and follow the steps I mentioned, you will make a quantum leap!

Your Assignment:

How badly do you want to take that quantum leap and be successful? If you’re willing to do what it takes to make the changes, here are some ways to keep moving forward.

  • Be courageous, believe in your dream/purpose, make the commitment, stay in action, and be in communication with others.

  • When you hit the Panic Wall, recognize the following:

  • Understand it is only temporary.

  • You’re on the cusp of a HUGE breakthrough.

  • Write out a vision of what you want to achieve and how it looks when you do achieve your vision (be vivid and specific).

  • Spend some alone time reading your vision daily and visualizing how it feels when you achieve your vision.

  • Declare it (write a bold statement declaring your intention, “I declare I will write that book!”).

  • Share your Declaration with at least five people you trust and feel safe with. (The more frequently you speak aloud your Declaration, the more you will believe it.)

© All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission from Rochelle Togo-Figa, Professional Sales Coach, is prohibited.

If you would like to use this article on your website, or for your own ezine, not a problem; however, there’s one thing you MUST include: Rochelle Togo-Figa, The Sales Breakthrough Expert, is the creator of the Sales Breakthrough System™, a proven step-by-step sales process that will help you close more sales, sign on more clients and make more money with ease and velocity. To sign up for her free sales articles and teleclasses on closing more sales, visit

Thursday, May 12, 2011

5 Tips For Turning A Prospect's "No"

"No, I'm not interested." This response from a prospect has the power to send chills down your spine. It's an answer you may have heard more times than you'd like to count!

The truth is, in sales you are going to hear "no" a lot more than you are going to hear "yes." Keep in mind that all you need to hear is one "yes" to get a sale. If you are persistent, you may very well get to change a "no" to a "yes" much more often than you think.

What do you do when a prospect says "no"? Chances are you might simply listen, retreat, and hang up the phone. You may think the prospect isn't interested in your product, then cross the name off your list, never to call again. Wrong! You're eliminating a future sales opportunity.

It takes approximately 7 follow-ups or more to close a sale. It's good news to know that with persistence and good follow-up, a "no" for now can be turned into a "yes" later on. You just have to persevere and get past the seventh "no" or the third "I'm not ready yet" to get the sale. Realize that it's not personal. They're saying "no" to the product (for now), not to you.

Here are (5) tips that will help you move the prospect from "no" to "yes":
  1. Create a timetable. Ask the prospect: "Does this mean you're not interested now or not interested forever?" If she or he responds, "I'm not interested at this time," ask if you can touch base in a couple of weeks or months. The prospect will let you know when you can call back.

  2. Open a dialogue. Ask the prospect: "I'm curious as to why you're not interested." A client of mine did just that when trying to get an appointment with a prospect. She simply asked why. The prospect opened up and gave her a lot of information. My client displayed genuine interest in what the prospect had to say, and the prospect sensed that. They talked for quite awhile. My client ended up getting an appointment.

  3. Be persistent. When the prospect says, "I'm not interested," you can respond by saying, "Many of my clients had the same response when I first called, before they saw what we can do for them." Then share any success stories with similar companies you've worked with.

  4. Do not take it personally. Don't let the "no" mean anything more than what it is. "No, I'm not interested" doesn't mean you are being rejected. It means they're only rejecting the offer for now.

  5. Remember some "yes" experiences. When you think about it, you've been hearing "no" since you were a kid, and it probably never stopped you. Imagine yourself as a child. Perhaps you were with your mom in the supermarket and you really, really wanted a candy bar. The response might have been, "No, it's too close to dinnertime!" Did you take "no" for an answer? Absolutely not. You asked again and again and again, each time committed to convincing your mother that you could eat the candy bar and still eat all your dinner. Finally, after at least (7) more tries, Mom probably gave in. Congratulations! You didn't give up. You got the candy bar! You kept going back in and moved your mother from a "no" to a "yes."

When you really want something in your life that's important to you, nothing stands in the way. So why not bring those same qualities to your business?

© All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission from Rochelle Togo-Figa, Professional Sales Coach, is prohibited.

If you would like to use this article on your website, or for your own ezine, not a problem; however, there’s one thing you MUST include: Rochelle Togo-Figa, The Sales Breakthrough Expert, is the creator of the Sales Breakthrough System™, a proven step-by-step sales process that will help you close more sales, sign on more clients and make more money with ease and velocity. To sign up for her free sales articles and teleclasses on closing more sales, visit

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Letting Go of the Past and Focusing on NOW

We all have stories from the past we fondly remember. There are memories we want to keep forever and enjoy sharing with others.

A favorite story of mine happened when I was about five years old. Whenever we would have friends and relatives over for dinner, my parents would let me stay up late and sing my favorite songs to them. So there I was standing in the middle of the living room singing my little heart out. I adored the attention, applause and hugs they gave me. This is a story I can still remember so clearly. I think it’s one of the reasons I love leading to people.

Then there are the unpleasant stories we carry around with us that we’re unwilling to let go of. An event happens that negatively impacts our thoughts and feelings about ourselves. We hold onto these stories for so long, we believe they’re true. These stories keep us from appreciating what we have in the present because we believe it will happen again. So we stop taking risks for fear that what happened in the past will happen again. It affects how we communicate, relate to others, grow our businesses, and even stops us from going after all the things we really want.

I can remember a story I held onto for many years. I grew up in a family of five brothers and sisters. I was the youngest one in the family. I can remember having dinner on Sundays with my family and my oldest brother telling me to “Keep quiet, eat your dinner, nobody is interested in what you have to say.” Being the youngest, I believed what he said was the true. Nobody was really interested in what a little girl had to say. So I stopped speaking up. If I did say something, I spoke very quickly or I’d say what I thought you wanted to hear.

Through the years, not speaking up had a huge impact on my life. I was afraid to say what I thought and ask for what I wanted. In fact, I’d say what I thought you wanted to hear. If someone did something that upset me, I wouldn’t say anything. I would withdraw and be silent. I had no voice.

I was committed to breaking through this barrier. I thought about what my brother said. He had said what he said and nothing more. I had added all the meaning to it. Having this insight was a huge breakthrough for me. I was free again. I had found my voice. I was no longer a five-year old little girl without a voice. I had something to say that mattered. From that point on, my life changed forever. I left a job I had been at for 10 years, where I did not express myself, and went to work for a training company. There I was trained to lead workshops and help people learn to speak up. I had found my voice and was now fulfilling my dream!

These stories have been holding us back for years. We allowed something that happened a long time ago to keep us from growing and reaching our full potential.

Remember this—Successful people create each day newly. They never allow past events to stop them. And it makes perfect sense. Whatever has happened in the past is over. Just because it may have been a disappointing experience does not mean it will happen again.

When you believe it will happen again, you are sending a message to your subconscious that “I believe I will fail again.” You are giving power to something that happened in the past. And, what you believe will happen, will happen.

People that know they are responsible for creating their own successes will learn from past experiences, make the changes, and get into action.

What do successful people all have in common?
  • They left the past in the past.

  • They’ve created their lives newly.

  • Giving up is not in their vocabulary.

  • They live their lives from three words…Yes, I can!

  • They’ve had to overcome struggles and adversity throughout their lives but it’s only made them stronger.

  • They have a HUGE life purpose.

  • They are focused, intentional, and committed.

  • They believe in themselves and their purpose.

  • They see life as a place where anything is possible rather than impossible.

When you let go of the past, you’re then free to create anything you want. It’s as if you have a clean canvas and from the clean canvas you can paint your life newly. You’re no longer held back by something that happened long ago and is over.

Eckhart Tolle writes in his book, A New Earth, “…nothing ever happened in the past that can prevent you from being present now. We can learn to break the habit of accumulating and perpetuating old emotions regardless of whether something happened yesterday or thirty years ago. We can learn not to keep situations or events alive in our minds but to return our attention continuously to the present.”

The past can only stop you if you choose to allow it to stop you. The past event has nothing to do with who you are in the present. What happened in the past, is over. We only have right now. And, right now, you get to say how you want your life to go.

So, what can you do to let go of the past? You can focus on NOW! What is it that you want to have in your life right now? All we have right now is this moment. Be present to your life right now—this moment. We don’t know what’s in the future. When you create what you want in your life now, you’re creating a new future.

© All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission from Rochelle Togo-Figa, Professional Sales Coach, is prohibited.

If you would like to use this article on your website, or for your own ezine, not a problem; however, there’s one thing you MUST include: Rochelle Togo-Figa, The Sales Breakthrough Expert, is the creator of the Sales Breakthrough System™, a proven step-by-step sales process that will help you close more sales, sign on more clients and make more money with ease and velocity. To sign up for her free sales articles and teleclasses on closing more sales, visit